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MindMeasure™ Concept Testing

Quickly identifies ideas with breakthrough potential to dramatically improve innovation productivity.

On average, only one of ten new products is successful. Current development cycles are too long and the new product evaluation process is seriously flawed. The most commonly used testing methods eliminate the very worst of the ideas being explored as well as the breakthrough concepts. But by measuring consumers' non-conscious reactions, MindMeasure™ quickly identifies those ideas with the potential to have real staying power in the marketplace.

MindMeasure™ provides a large-scale, quantitative, statistically robust and analytically rigorous way to test concepts very early in the process to determine both their non-conscious appeal and their fit with your brand.  In addition the test identifies the emotional content of each concept providing rich diagnostic information on how to enhance the performance of your most powerful new product ideas.

Rigorously Measuring the Non-Conscious

Over 85% of consumer buying behavior is driven by the non-conscious, yet virtually 100% of the measured insights used to drive business decision-making only assess the remaining 15% that is conscious. Utilizing the incredible advances in the medical, neurological and social sciences, Buyology has developed statistically rigorous, large-sample web-based tools to quantitatively measure, understand and immediately leverage in the marketplace consumers' deeper preferences, biases and the drivers of buying decisions.

Non-Conscious Concept Testing

Too many new products fail. Less than 10% of all new products produce enough return on the company's investment to survive past the third year.

Because of the huge investment involved in the launch of new products, most marketers consistently deploy disciplined concept screening and evaluation prior to launch. Unfortunately, these current approaches are not resulting, on average, in adequate success. This suggests that the tools and methods currently used should be improved upon.

Our experience, supported by empirical studies by such luminaries as McKinsey and Company, indicate that the two major impediments to significant advancements in new product success are (1) long and laborious new product development cycle time; and, (2) a product refinement process that is likely to eliminate the top and bottom tails - the concepts that lack consumer appeal (the dogs), as well as the truly breakthrough concepts that have the power to achieve extraordinary success (the super stars). Conscious testing, therefore, often results in companies focusing the majority of their innovation development on the more conservative concepts that while safe, offer limited upside potential.

Rigorously measuring the 85% or more of human decision-making that is made at a non-conscious level will significantly enhance the evaluation and optimization of new product ideas. Respondents are much less likely to eliminate the breakout stars when asked how they "feel" about them (non-consciously) rather than what they "think" (consciously) about them. Accordingly, we've developed a large sample, statistically reliable and validated non-conscious concept test that measures preference, concept fit, and provides a visual diagnostic illustrating the deep emotional content and the relative strengths of alternative concepts.

Specifically, MindMeasure™ will identify:

  • Which concept has the most powerful appeal to your target;
  • Which concept best fits the your brand;
  • What is working within and across the most appealing concepts and how to enhance the preferred concepts and its fit within your brand.

The test utilizes our web-based proprietary latency response technology and analytics, will be conducted among 400 of your chosen target audience, and would consist of three powerful components.

MindMeasure™ Non-Conscious Concept Test

Preference Battery

After having their computers automatically calibrated and participating in a learning exercise to both familiarize them with the task and measure their own average response time, respondents will evaluate each of the eight concepts across the battery of eight preference items. The consumer will be able to study each concept, presented randomly, for as long as they like. When they are ready, they press start and are presented with each preference attribute pair. We capture the overall pre-cognitive choice and the time (in milliseconds) it takes them to make each choice. The literature is conclusive that the quicker a choice is made, the more deep-seated, or non-conscious is the preference being measured.

Brand Fit

We will then present the eight concepts to the respondents again one at a time and expose them to random pairs of four comparable brands including your brand. We will measure and report the relative level of brands fit for each of product/concepts shown.

Brand Preference
(For each concept)

Battery Brand Preference vs. Brand Fit
(Across all 8 concepts)

Image Diagnostics

Finally, we will present the two top concepts followed by 24 images selected from our global image library. We will determine which images best match each concept, which are similar across the concepts and which are distinct across each concept. By leveraging our existing knowledge of these images as well as the semiotic analysis of our in-house expert, we will provide deep insights as to the non-conscious respondent "take-aways" indicated by these images and suggest opportunities for concept enhancement.

Image Diagnostics

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