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Donna Sturgess
Founding Partner & President

Donna Sturgess is a senior marketer and innovator who focuses on thought leadership to drive vibrant and viable solutions to business and product challenges. She has been recognized as one of the Top 15 Women in Business by Ernst & Young and Pink Magazine and is the recipient of The Quantum Leap Award by the Advertising Women of New York (AWNY). She operates at a C-level having held positions as Vice President of Marketing & Strategy and Global Head of Innovation for GlaxoSmithKline. She has a proven track record in growing and managing brand portfolios and bringing remarkable innovation to the marketplace.

Donna is a strategist and marketer with over 25 years of both US and global experience at GSK. She has hands-on experience in using marketing neuroscience to advance brands and understands how the science, in the context of attention, engagement and persuasion, can leverage both rational and emotional elements in packaging and advertising.

She is a frequent public speaker on the power of building emotional strategies for brands and creates a sense of excitement about marketing and the urgency in responding to the changing consumer landscape. Donna is a popular writer; her work appears in books and publications such as Harvard Business Review and Advertising Age. She is a co-author of "The Big Moo," by the Group of 33, edited by Seth Godin and the upcoming book, "Spectacular."

Donna actively supports the Think Remarkable community and awards to honor remarkable thinking in the world (